Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)

Bad Dad Jokes | Dirty Jokes 2021

New Bad Dad Jokes are really funny. You are going to enjoy reading those funny jokes. The jokes not that bad but not that dirty jokes, so you can enjoy them with your family. For more funny jokes, check these: Good Funny Jokes, Funny English Jokes, New Funny Jokes.


20 Bad Dad Jokes

1- What does Kim Kardashian use to fix holes?

 Sex Tape.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


2- What did 50 Cent say to his grandma, after she gave him a sweater?


Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


3- What’s Michael Jackson’s favorite painting?

Sha-Mona Lisa.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


4- Who is Bruce Lee’s Favorite Rapper?

Waka Flocka.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


5- Why did the Gangster have to keep seeing the eye doctor?

Cuz he had Glock-Oma.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


6- What is Whitney Houston’s favorite kind of coordination?

 Hand Eyeeeeee!

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


7- What do you call a homosexual reptile?

A Gatorrrr.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


8- Why does the little mermaid wear sea shells?

Cuz she can’t fit D-Shells.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


9- What part of your body likes to get frisky?

The Naked-eye.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


10- My Dentist is a really mean guy.

He Always hurts my fillings.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


11- Why do white girls come in odd numbers?

Because they can’t even.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


12- What do you a call a cholo with one leg shorter than the other?

Not Eveeeen.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


13- Why do all of diddy’s kids have nice hair?

Because sean combs.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


14- Did you know that snoop dogg’s sister is a stripper?

She wears nothing but a G-String baby.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


15- How does lady Gaga like her meat?

Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw, Raw.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


16- What did the Jaguar say to the other Jaguar?


Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


17- Who’s drake’s favorite superhero?

Ghost Writer.

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


18- What does a peanut say when it sneezes?


Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


19- What’s a Mexican prostitute’s favorite drink?


Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)


20- What did the Buddhist say when he went up to the hot dog vendor?

“Make me one with everything.”

Bad Dad Jokes (Dirty Jokes 2021)