The Ultimate Collection of Banana Dad Jokes

The Ultimate Collection of Banana Dad Jokes

Get ready to go bananas with laughter! Discover the top banana dad jokes that will have you peeling with joy. Guaranteed to make you split your sides!

70+ Banana Dad Jokes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Looking for a bunch of hilarious banana dad jokes? Look no further! We’ve gathered over 70 uproarious banana-themed jokes that will have you peeling with laughter.

From puns to one-liners, these jokes are sure to make you go bananas! Whether you’re a fan of fruity humor or just need a good laugh, this collection has got you covered.

So, get ready to split your sides and enjoy a barrel of laughs with these rib-tickling banana dad jokes. Warning: Side effects may include uncontrollable laughter and an increased appreciation for all things yellow and curvy!

  1. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  2. What did the banana say to the monkey? Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  3. Why did the banana go to school? To become a “smarty fruit”!
  4. How do you catch a monkey? Climb a tree and act like a banana!
  5. What’s a banana’s favorite type of music? Peel-y Dan!
  6. What do you call a banana that tells jokes? A funny fruit!
  7. Why did the banana go to the party? To find a bunch of fun!
  8. What do you call a banana that can’t stop laughing? A comedy fruit!
  9. How do you make a banana split? Run away from it!
  10. Why did the banana go to the hair salon? It needed a new “split”!
  11. What did one banana say to the other? “You’re a-peeling!”
  12. How do you make a banana shake? Give it a good scare!
  13. Why did the banana go to the doctor’s office? It wasn’t peeling very well!
  14. What’s yellow on the outside and grey on the inside? An elephant eating a banana!
  15. What do you call two bananas on a stage? A pair of comedians!
  16. How do you repair a broken banana? With a banana split!
  17. Why did the banana go to court? It was involved in a “peel” case!
  18. What’s a banana’s favorite gymnastic move? The banana split!
  19. How do bananas stay healthy? They eat a bunch of exercise!
  20. What do you call a bunch of musical bananas? A banana symphony!
  21. Why did the banana put on sunscreen? It didn’t want to peel!
  22. What’s a banana’s favorite TV show? “Peeling with Laughter”!
  23. Why did the banana go to the library? It wanted to find a good “peel”!
  24. What do you call a banana that won’t stop talking? A banana-nose!
  25. How do you make a banana laugh? Tell it a “peel” of a joke!
  26. Why did the banana go to the doctor’s office? It wasn’t peeling well and needed some “a-peel”!
  27. What do you call a banana that can do magic tricks? A peelusionist!
  28. How do monkeys get down the stairs? They slide down the banana-ster!
  29. What do you call a monkey that sells bananas? A fruit salesman!
  30. Why did the banana get a job at the movie theater? It wanted to be a “peel” usher!
  31. What did the banana say to the apple? “You’re a-peeling too!”
  32. How do you make a banana float? Add some fizzy “a-peel” to it!
  33. Why did the banana go to the party? It heard there would be a bunch of peels!
  34. What’s a banana’s favorite outdoor activity? Going on a “peel” hike!
  35. How do you make a banana split disappear? Eat it in a “split” second!
  36. Why did the banana go to the gym? It wanted to work on its “peel”-ups!
  37. What do you call a gorilla that stole a banana? A fruit thief!
  38. How do you make a banana cry? Steal its “a-peel”!
  39. Why did the banana go to the doctor’s office? It had a “peel-ing” problem!
  40. What’s a banana’s favorite song? “Banana-na-na” by Gwen Stefani!
  41. How do you measure a banana’s weight? In a “peel”ogram!
  42. Why did the banana go to the dance party? It wanted to do the “peel” slide!
  43. What do you call a banana that tells jokes on stage? A stand-up fruit!
  44. How do you make a banana split last forever? Don’t eat it!
  45. Why did the banana go to school early? It didn’t want to miss the “peel” bell!
  46. What’s a banana’s favorite type of shoe? Slippers, because they’re easy to “peel” off!
  47. Why did the banana get a passport? It wanted to go on a “peel” trip!
  48. What did the banana say to the orange? “You’re appealing too!”
  49. How do you make a banana shake? Give it a good scare!
  50. Why did the banana get a job at the circus? It wanted to be the top “peel” performer!
  51. Why did the banana go to the psychiatrist? Because it had a split personality.
  52. What do you call a banana that likes to dance? A banana shake.
  53. Why didn’t the banana cross the road? Because it doesn’t have any feet.
  54. What’s the best way to catch a gorilla’s attention? Act like you’ve gone bananas.
  55. Why can’t a banana yell high? Because it can only yell-low.
  56. How many bananas does it take to change a light bulb? None. Bananas don’t have hands.
  57. What’s the easiest way to make a banana split? Show it the door.
  58. What is yellow and points to the north? A magnetic banana.
  59. What do you call someone raised by a banana? Banana bread.
  60. What do you call a banana that’s always late? A tardy-nana.
  61. What do you call a banana that’s always happy? A cheer-nana.
  62. What do you call a banana that’s always getting into trouble? A bad-nana.
  63. Why did the banana go to the gym? To get buff-a-nana.
  64. Why did the banana get kicked out of the bar? Because it was peeling out.
  65. Why did the banana get a speeding ticket? Because it was split.
  66. Why did the banana go to the library? To check out a book.
  67. Why did the banana join a band? Because it wanted to be in a peel.
  68. Why did the banana go to the doctor? Because it wasn’t peeling well.
  69. Why did the banana get into a fight? Because it was a bruised fruit.
  70. Why did the banana get a job as a security guard? Because it was always watching you.
  71. Why did the banana get a divorce? Because it was split.
  72. Why did the banana get a tattoo? To peel off the old one.


As we wrap up this ultimate collection of banana dad jokes, it’s clear that laughter is the ripest fruit of all. These jokes have taken us on a wild and whimsical journey through the world of banana humor. From slipping on peelings to monkey business, we’ve explored the silliest sides of this yellow delight.

Remember, a good sense of humor is like a perfectly ripe banana—it never goes out of style. So, the next time you need a mood booster or want to brighten someone’s day, whip out one of these jokes and watch the smiles bloom.

In the end, let’s celebrate the power of puns, the joy of laughter, and the humble banana’s ability to bring us together in fits of hilarity. Now go forth, armed with these jokes, and spread the fruity fun wherever you go. Happy laughing, fellow jokesters!