If you were searching for new dirty dad jokes 2023, you are at the appropriate place. Today we’re gonna show you the best new 59 dirty jokes of 2023.
Enjoy reading those dirty jokes, and be careful there are a lot of dirty words in this post. To get more funny jokes.
Check this out: Bad Dad Jokes, Best funny dad jokes
Table of Contents
Dirty Dad Jokes 2023
Looking for some jokes that will make you cringe and laugh at the same time? Well, look no further because the Dirty Dad Jokes 2023 are here to make you squirm in your seat and hold your sides from laughter.
These jokes are so bad that they’re actually good, and so dirty that you’ll need a shower afterwards. So, get ready to shake your head in disbelief and maybe even question your sense of humor as we dive into the world of the dirtiest and funniest dad jokes 2023.
Warning: these jokes may contain explicit content and are not suitable for those who are easily offended (or who have a weak stomach).
Also Read: Funniest Dad Jokes
Get Ready to Groan: The Top 60 Dirty Dad Jokes 2023!
Get ready to cringe and laugh at the same time with our collection of the Top 60 Dirty Dad Jokes 2021. These jokes are so bad, but they’re good!
1- What do tofu and a rubber chicken have in common?
They’re both stand-ins for the real meat!

2- Why did the proctologist cancel his vacation?
Because he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving all those butts behind!

3- What did the penis say to the condom?
Cover me, I’m going in.

4- What happens when you make an Asian girl squirt?
She charges you 10 cents for extra sauce.

5- What do you call a virgin lying on a waterbed?
A cherry float.

6- What does a condom and a gun have in common?
You should never use either one of them.

7- What’s long and hard and has cum in it?
A cucumber.

8- What did the one soggy boob say to the other soggy boob?
If we don’t get some support, people will think we’re nuts.

9- How do you know if a Mexican girl is pregnant?
Trust me, she is.

10- What do a woman and a bar have in common?
Liq-her in the front, poke her in the back.

Best Dirty dad jokes
Looking for some humor that’s a bit on the dirty side? Well, look no further than the world of dad jokes! These jokes may be cringe-worthy and not exactly suitable for all audiences, but they’re sure to get a chuckle out of those with a slightly twisted sense of humor.
From puns and wordplay to clever one-liners, dirty dad jokes are a hilarious way to spice up any conversation or get-together. So sit back, relax, and get ready to groan with delight at these best dirty dad jokes!
11- A cop told a suspect to put his hands up…
And then he shot him. You know why?
Cuz he didn’t say ’Simon says put your hands up.’

12- How do kill a circus clown?
You go for the Juggular.

13- What do a black guy and a long-distance relationship have in common?
They both don’t work.

14- Why can’t you hear a psychiatrist use the bathroom?
Because the pee is silent.

15- Why did the neo-nazi fall his driver’s test?
Cuz he only made alt-rights.

16- What did the blind man say when he passed the fish market?
Good Morning, ladies.

17- Why did the Russian’s wife kick her husband out of bed?
Cuz he was Pootin.

18- When do women like to have sex with the lights off?
Because they can’t stand to see a man having a good time.

19- I saw a kaleidoscope having sex.
It came in all shapes and sizes.

20- Why can’t you stop a legless dog?
Cause he has no pause.

Funny Dirty dad jokes
If you love a good laugh, and don’t mind a bit of raunchy humor, then you’re in for a treat with funny dirty dad jokes! These jokes are perfect for those who enjoy a little bit of spice in their humor, but also want to keep things light-hearted and playful.
From clever puns to witty one-liners, these jokes are sure to have you and your friends cracking up. So buckle up, brace yourself, and get ready to let out some laughs with the best funny dirty dad jokes around!
21- Why does a mermaid wear seashells?
She outgrew her a shells.

22- Whose the best singing fish in all of the sea?
Johnny Gills.

23- What do you call batman when he skips church?
Christian Bail.

24- Why didn’t patty like to play in the sun?
Because patty melts.

25- Why isn’t there a pregnant barbie doll?
Ken came in a different box.

26- You hear about the jump rope Elon Musk designed for big people?
It’s Groundbreaking.

27- DMX just tested positive with covid, and said he’s gon spread it towards everybody.
Like he told us before, x gon give it to Ya.

28- Did you hear about the sexually fluid buffalo that came out to his father?
He was a Bi-son.

29- What did the “O” say to the “Q”?
Your dick is out.

30- What do you call two weaves that get together?
It’s a track meet.

Dirty dad Jokes one liners
Welcome, welcome, all you dirty-minded individuals! Are you ready to get your pun on? Because we’ve got some seriously cheesy dad jokes that are so dirty, they’ll make you want to take a shower afterwards!
These one-liners are guaranteed to make you groan, roll your eyes, and maybe even chuckle a little. So sit back, relax, and prepare to have your innocence shattered as we dive headfirst into the world of dirty dad jokes. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
31 What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?

32- Did you hear about the little guy who won the surf competition?
He did it all on Microwaves.

33- Who is Thomas the tank engine’s favorite rapper?

34- Soup?
The stock market.

35- What do you call an it teacher that touches his students?
A pdf file.

Also Read: Corny dad jokes
36- Who does a Pharaoh talk to when he’s sad?
His Mummy.

37- What’s the best thing about dating a homeless women?
You can drop her off anywhere.

38- What do you call a pitbull that lives in alaska?
A chili dog.

39- What’s the difference between a joke and 3 dicks?
Your mom can’t take a joke.

40- What do you call a gay drive-by?
A fruit roll-up.

41- Why did the waitress hop around the restaurant?
Because she worked at IHop and had a leg up on the competition!.

42- I’m dating this hot midget that’s an airline pilot.
Shorty fly.

43- Why is a women like a condom?
Because they both spend more time in your wallet, than on your dick.

44- What’s slimy, cold, long, and smells like pork?
Kermit the frog’s finger.

45- What’s the difference between a priest and a pimple?
A pimple doesn’t cum on your face until you’re a teenager.

46- How do you get a Nun pregnant?
Dress her up as an altar boy.

47- Why don’t black peple go on cruises?
Because they already been fooled by that shit once.

48- What’s the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?
A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.

49- How many cops does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, they just beat the shit out of the room for being black.

50- What do you call a 600lb dad that’s one cupcake away from exploding?

51- What did the blind man say when he passed the fish market?
“Hello Ladies!”

52- Why doesn,t anyone want to shave a crazy sheep?
Because it’s a baaaaad idea.

53- A guy asked me if I wanted to donate for a swimming pool
so I gave hi, a glass of water.

54- How did Rihanna find out that Chris Brown was cheating?
Because she found another woman’s lipstick on his knuckles.

55- Which sexual position leads to ugly children?
I don’t know either, ask your mother.

56- What did the Rapper say in the mirror?
“Game recognize game!”

57- I have the body of a 25 year old
But it’s in my refrigerator.

58- What did the sign on the door of the whore house say?
“Beat it, we’re closed.”

59- What do you call a white guy with a big dick?
Michael Jackson.

In conclusion, Dirty Dad Jokes 2023 have left us with a mix of emotions – from groaning and cringing to laughing uncontrollably. Despite their corniness and questionable content, these jokes have managed to bring some much-needed humor and lightheartedness to our lives.
While they may not be for everyone, for those who appreciate a good dad joke, they are the perfect way to brighten up a gloomy day. So, the next time you’re in need of a good laugh or want to embarrass your kids, remember these Dirty Dad Jokes 2023 and get ready to let out a chuckle (or a sigh of exasperation).