New Silly Dad Jokes 2021

New Silly Dad Jokes are really bad jokes. We are trying to make new funny jokes every day on our website, so keep watching our updates. You can check our last jokes: Bad Dad Jokes, Good Funny Jokes, Funny English Jokes. Enjoy the silliest Dad Jokes.

Silly Dad Jokes

1- why does a snoop dog use an umbrella?

For Drizzle.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021

2-Why should you kiss your girl with a runny nose?

Cuz it’s snot punny.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


3- What type of food is good for your feet?


New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


4- What do you call a fat psychic?


New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


5- How did the hipster burn his tongue?

He drank his coffee before it was cool.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


6- What did the white bread say to the wheat bread?

When it told him a rumor?

Foreal Dough?!

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


7- Why didn’t the melons get married?

Cuz they can’t elope?

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


8- What did the bartender say to the eggs, Toast, and Bacon when they walked into the Bar?

 Sorry, we don’t serve breakfast.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


9- What do you call a woman officer deep in her feeling?

ِAn insecurity guard.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


10- What do you call a nun who’s driving?

Virgin Mobile.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


11- What insect listens to Jay z?

A Bomble bae.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


12- What’s the leading cause of dry skin?


New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


13- Why can’t ghosts have babies?

 Cuz they have Hollow-Weenies.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


14- What do you get when you cross a fish with an elephant?

Swimming Trunks.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


15- Why don’t black people trust stairs?

Cuz they’re always up to something.

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021


15- How is a piece of gum like a sneeze?

It’s A-Chew!

New Silly Dad Jokes 2021