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The Best Kids Jokes 2021 Part Two

There is a lot of funny situations that happen in the family and the funniest jokes are the once that happen between the Kids. That is why we are sharing with you the Best Kids Jokes 2021 Part Two.

Best Kids Jokes 2021 | Part Two

In the Best Kids Jokes Part Two, we are going to share with you 5 of the best kids jokes 2021 and they are the funniest jokes for kids ever. This is the second post of the “Best kids Jokes 2020” series that we are going to share with you on this website. So keep your eye on the newest and funniest Kids jokes and get ready to laugh.

The First Kids Joke

The teacher asked a student, what do you like about the school?
The student answered:  I like the bell, teacher.

The best kids jokes ever

The Second Kids Joke

The father asked his Kids: What is the difference between the globe and football?

The kids answered: We play football, While the globe plays us.

amazing jokes for kids


The Third Kids Joke

The Mother: Is your teacher happy with you?

The son answered: Of course, mom, I am the only one, she tells him: You will stay with me for the next year.

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The Fourth Kids Joke

A little girl asked her grandmother: Why are all your teeth broken?

The grandma answered: This is how fashion was on our days.

funniest jokes for kids


The Fifth Kids Joke

Jamie said to his little brother: If my friend calls me while I am outside, tell him: I am not here.

His little brother answered: What should I tell him If he doesn’t call?

Kids Jokes 2021 Part One