Worst Dad Jokes 2021

Worst Dad Jokes 2021

Here are the worst dad jokes 2021 can make you being crazy. I wish if you can laugh loudly at those stupid dad jokes. To get more funny dad jokes, check this: Bad Dad Jokes 2021, New Silly Dad Jokes 2021, Seriously Funny Jokes.


Worst Dad Jokes 2021

1- What do you call it when chefs have a problem with each other?

 Roast Beef.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


2- What do you call pair of glasses with four rings on it?

Lebron frames.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


3- I told my family I’m not really into funerals early in the day…

I’m not really a mourning person.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


4- What do you say when a show about fighting cough drops leaves you on a cliffhanger?

Nest time on dragon hall z!

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


5- What’s the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome?

You pull down its genes.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


6- You know when I go to the store I never buy per-shredded cheese.

Doing it yourself is grate.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


7- What pickup line do you say to a sexy bottle of alcohol?

You must be a chicken because you’re the only hen-I-see.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


8- When I was younger, me and my brothers, we used to have so much fun.

Them was the Goodyears.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


9- What did the deadbeat stick of gum say to his son?

Get off his packman! You think he wanted this, it just happened!

Worst Dad Jokes 2021


10- I was playing chess with my friend one and he was like “Hey bro let’s make this interesting?”

So we stopped playing.

Worst Dad Jokes 2021